Summer Beard Care Tips: Fun In The Sun

Each year, a lot of digital ink is spilled on general skin care and sun protection, but not a lot is generally written about summer beard care. We’re here to fix that! While contrary to popular belief, having a beard in the summer can actually keep your face cooler since the beard itself forms a small barrier of cool, shaded air around the face. What does happen to bearded men fairly often during the summer is that their beard hair tends to dry out and become bleached and frizzled, which leaves you with a less than ideal beard for the fall and winter. Let’s go over some great summer beard care tips that will leave your face and beard feeling great in the summer sun.

On The Go

Summer is the time for road trips, camping excursions, and general outdoor shenanigans. So, it’s a safe bet that you will be on the go a lot. Before you set out, make sure pack your Better Man Beard oil and comb. Our beard oil comes in a rugged travel safe bottle that makes taking care of your beard while travelling a breeze. Combine that with one of our extra light and durable all wood combs and you have a great go pack for your beard care this summer.

Double Up

The sun does a lot of damage to both our skin and hair if we don’t take steps to prevent it. Make sure that if you’re out in the sun a lot this summer that you double up your oil routine. Make sure you apply oil every morning (typically after your shower) and once again during the afternoon, around 4pm or 5pm. You’d be surprised how quickly your beard hair can get dried out and sun damaged. Applying an extra dose of oil can help keep your hair moisturized and feeling great.

Sunscreen For Your Beard

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your bearded areas as well! There are even special kinds of sunscreen that are specifically made for beards. Either way, don’t forget to apply a light layer of sunscreen to your beard so you can better protect your skin underneath.

Splash Off To Cool Off

One “lifehack” to staying cool is to take a spray bottle of cool water or just use your hands under a tap, and apply a light spritz of water to your face a few times throughout the day if you’re spending a lot of time out in the heat. The water will help refresh your beard and keep your face cool for a while as it evaporates.

Extra Washes

In the shower, make sure that you are using a sulfate free shampoo on your beard and that you are washing it as often as possible. This will help to get rid of any unwanted buildup and grit that can accumulate during outdoor activities in the summer.

Get Fashionable

Wearing a hat during the hottest and brightest days can significantly reduce your face’s exposure to harmful UV rays. Hats are making a huge comeback these days, so you won’t have to worry about being out of style while keeping your face and beard protected.

Whatever you do this summer, make sure that you are taking care of yourself and your beard. You’ll want your facial follicles to be in tip top shape for No Shave November! Stay frosty out there.