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There are so many reasons to head over to the Boise Towne Square mall and hang out, but with the holiday season in full swing, there are even more! In today’s article, we’re going to highlight some of the fun and exciting holiday activities that you and the family can enjoy at Boise’s biggest, most iconic, mall.
What is a mall around Christmas time without a Santa? Not much, that’s for sure! Well, luckily the Boise Towne Square Mall has an excellent Santa experience that you can take the kids to starting now and going through Christmas Eve. Take the kids to sit on Santa’s lap and have them tell him their Christmas wishes while you snap a few pictures for the memory albums. Afterwards, you can all go do some much needed holiday shopping right at the mall! Don’t forget the food court once you get hungry!
Brought to you by the local branch of the Salvation Army, The Angel Tree is a fantastic way to help Idaho kids in need of Christmas presents. To participate, you just have to pop on over to the tree located at the 2nd level entrance to Dillard’s and pick out an ornament. That ornament will have a gift on it that you can purchase for the child or family in need, most of the time the gifts can be purchased within the mall itself and then you bring the gift and the tag to the attendant at the tree so that it can be wrapped and given to its proper family. That’s it! This is a simple and fun way to help a child in need right in your own backyard.
Another great reason to visit the mall is to stop on by your favorite local beard balm and oil producer, Better Man Beard. That’s right, we will have a booth at the mall this Holiday season and will be selling all of our awesome products including our newest balm scent, Natty Musk. As you know, our booth is a fantastic way to pick up several excellent Christmas gifts for the bearded man on your list like balms, oils, t-shirts, hats, and so much more. We can’t wait to see you there!
We hope that this Boise Towne Square guide was helpful to you. If you end up trying one or more of our suggestions, please share it with us on social media or in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to check out our events page on our website. Our events are always a blast and it’s a great opportunity to show all of our products in person and to meet Justin (the man himself!) and to get expert product tips, demonstrations, and samples. It’s always a blast to see our great products in action for yourself. Hope to see you around. No matter what you do this year, we hope you have a wonderful year from Better Man Beard.About
Better Man Beard
Located in beautiful
Boise, Idaho
Copyright © 2023 Better Man Beard